Latest Energy Census News
The UK RTFC market backed away from all-time highs and the 30 pence buyout price this week, as Covid-19 fears tarnished...
Participants in the Netherlands renewable transport fuel scheme have increased their use of non-fossil fuels to around 15% of...
The Chinese government has acknowledged a big fall in demand from caterers for vegetable oil, in the first official statement...
The US response to the Covid-19 outbreak could see demand for blended gasoline fall by up to 20%...
US ethanol production shed 35,000 barrels in the week to March 6, falling to 1.044 million barrels per day, according to weekly...
The price of used cooking oil (UCO) is at record levels in Spain as demand grows to meet EU biofuels requirements in 2020 and beyond...
The UK’s ethanol industry has given a broad welcome to the government’s decision on March 4 to advocate that E10 becomes...
US ethanol and biodiesel producer lobbies have warned the Trump administration not to appeal a recent ruling...
Spot biodiesel prices gained on both an outright and premium basis, as feedstock prices performed better than crude oil prices...
Revisions to the UK's renewable transport fuel ticket market should install a floor price to enable fuels such as biomethane...
Consumption of biofuel in Germany was 912,935 mt in the fourth quarter of 2019, up 11.4% from the same period in 2018...
US production of ethanol rose for the fourth consecutive week in the final week of February to hit a seven-week high boosting...
The EU on Wednesday proposed a climate law that aims to give a legally-binding basis to the bloc’s proposal to become...
The UK could be using E10 as the standard petrol grade next year, the country's transport ministry said on Wednesday...
Carbon dioxide emissions from new cars sold in the EU hit their highest level since 2014, analysis...
Brazil raised its mandatory biodiesel blend to 12% without incident on 1 March, its second increase in six months as the...
The US government will provide $100 million of funding to make higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel more widely available in...
The EU should set stronger CO2 emissions standards for cars and trucks, provide greater incentives for electric vehicles and...
Imports of used cooking oil (UCO) that is one of the major feedstocks for biodiesel consumed in the EU rose 15% in 2019...
The UK government has issued its first renewable carbon transport fuel tickets to projects that produce development...